Company profiles are for people who own (or have administrative privileges of) a company.
Your company profile will display your name and company logo. All transactions will be done under your company name, all invoices will be billed to the company, and all reviews you leave will show under the company name. As a company, you will be able to update your profile (contact information, business description, etc.), customize your referral incentives and rewards, track your referral campaigns, track and reply to customer reviews.
Sales representative profiles are for individuals or businesses operating on behalf of another organization (e.g. a car salesman for a car dealership, a realtor for a real estate agency, a mortgage specialist with a financial institution etc.).
Your sales representative profile will display your name and your photo, but also will show a link to the organization that you are representing. All transactions will be done under your name and all invoices will be billed to your name. You get to keep your entire customer review history even if you change the organization you represent! You can update your profile, customize your referral incentives and rewards, track your referral campaigns, and track and reply to customer reviews.
NOTE: You can also choose to add a personal profile so every referral you make will NOT be associated with your company profile or your sales representative profile.